Pink Lightning and Jersey Thunder
Pink Lightning
Pink Lightning is open to women breast cancer survivors and non-BCS women who support our team mission. No prior experience is necessary. We range in age from mid-twenties to mid-seventies and come from all over Northern and Central New Jersey. Some of our team members are currently going through treatment, while others are long-term survivors.
For additional cancer support, wellness and educational programs, contact: Pathways Women's Cancer Support
Our Mission
Pink Lightning Dragon Boat Team offers women a low impact physical activity that helps relieve stress, improve fitness and boost stamina. Paddling strengthens and tones muscles while offering encouragement and inspiration to one another as we enjoy the camaraderie of our team.
Our team consists of cancer survivors and supporters who are committed to the fight against breast cancer and to providing opportunities for women to share in experiences leading to their personal healing and a feeling of empowerment.

Jersey Thunder
Jersey Thunder is Pink Lightning's sister team. This is a competitive, fitness-focused team. Members use one-person canoes, called outriggers, to practice and build strength. We're always looking for new members who share our passion and dedication!